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What is POTOFU
“POTOFU” is a service where you can easily create your profile & portfolio by aggregating information on SNS and work posting sites just by setting up a few settings at the beginning.
Can I use it for free?
Currently, all functions are available for free.
Please tell me how to register an account
You can register from this login page. We currently offer Google Login, Facebook Login, and Twitter Login.
Can I create multiple accounts?
Yes, you can create multiple POTOFU accounts. However, there is no account switching function, so if you operate multiple accounts, log out and log in with a different account each time, and use separate accounts for each browser or device. It is necessary to respond, such as to receive.
I can't log in successfully
POTOFU currently offers Google Login, Facebook Login, and Twitter Login. Please check once again which service your registered account is linked to. Also, if the screen does not display properly after logging in, please reload the page or consider using a different browser if it still does not work.
Can I change my login method?
You can add email address logins and add or remove social media logins (Google, Apple, Facebook and Twitter) from the Sozi ID page.
What is ID
The ID is used to identify the public page of POTOFU. You can set one per account, and it will also be used for the URL of the public page. The ID can be at least 4 characters long and contain half-width alphanumeric characters (lowercase letters only) and a hyphen symbol (-) between the characters.
What is contact information?
This feature allows you to set and publish your own contact email address.
What is share settings?
Here you can set the image (OGP image) and text that will be displayed when sharing to SNS, etc.
I have replaced the shared image but it is not reflected well
Depending on the SNS/service of the sharing destination, it may take some time until the image is reflected. Depending on the SNS/service, there are cases where OGP image confirmation tools are provided, so if they are not reflected, please consider checking there as well. Click here for Twitter(https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator)Click here for facebook(https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) but please forgive me that POTOFU cannot guarantee the operation.
What is a linked list?
The link list is a function that allows you to freely collect and list URL links to each platform such as your own activity SNS and posting sites.
What platforms can I configure in a linked list?
POTOFU now has default links as Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, note, Nico Nico Douga, pixiv, Become a Novelist, Everystar , SoundCloud, Tumblr, BOOTH, and GitHub are available, but you can freely add them yourself.
Can I add more than one platform to the link list?
Additional registration can be done from the “+” button at the bottom of the link list edit.
Can linked lists be reordered?
Yes, sorting is possible. You can sort by pressing the arrow mark on the right side of each platform on the “Edit Linked List” screen.
What is an activity?
It is a function that collectively displays posts to SNS and work submission services in a list. Your posts will be automatically updated and reflected just by making simple settings at the beginning, so your portfolio will always be kept up to date without any hassle.
What platforms can I link to activities
Currently, Instagram, YouTube, and OFUSE can be linked. Different viewing options are available for each platform, so check out the activity settings page for details. Platforms that can be linked will be added sequentially.
Due to the termination of the Twitter API, we will stop providing activity linkage with Twitter around April 2023.
Can I link multiple platforms to an activity?
At this time, only one platform can be linked.
Tell me what Twitter shows in my activity
Your own posts (tweets) will be displayed. Retweets will not be displayed. Optionally, you can filter to show only images or only tweets with the hashtag “#potofu」”.
I want to switch Instagram accounts linked to activities
After canceling the Instagram link, log in to the Instagram account you want to switch to in your browser, and re-implement the Instagram link at POTOFU.
I want to choose what is displayed in activities
With the exception of optional settings, we do not currently offer the ability to customize the display, such as manually adding or deleting an activity.
I set an activity but it's not reflected on the page
After setting the activity, it may take a few minutes for it to be reflected. If it is not reflected immediately, please wait a little while to check it.
The Instagram set to the activity is no longer displayed, and the link is automatically disconnected
If you change the account information on the Instagram side after linking with Instagram on POTOFU, posts to Instagram will not be displayed in the activity after a certain period of time. Or, the link may be automatically canceled. If this happens, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please link again from the activity settings of POTOFU.
What is a mode?
Mode is a tint setting for the entire page. Currently, there is a normal mode and a dark mode, and each mode has a default page background, etc.
Can I set the page background to solid grayscale
You can set it by entering the color you want to set in the HEX(color 7-digit color code starting with #)in the “Page Background” section.
I want to know the public URL of the created page
The URL is listed at the top of the “Dashboard”. You can change the string at the end of the URL by changing the ID from “Edit Profile”.
Can I change the public URL to my own domain
We do not offer custom domain settings at this time.
Can I make a page I created private
Yes, it's possible. You can set it from “Make POTOFU private” at the bottom of the profile edit.
What is a function release
It is a function that can be used when certain conditions are met, such as inviting acquaintances to POTOFU or posting a public page URL on your SNS profile.
What functions will be released
Currently, there is a “Footprints function” that is released by posting your public URL on SNS, and “Add Activity Tab” and “Add Font” that are released every time you invite a friend.
What is the footprint function
It is a function that allows you to view the list of users who visited your page (the last 20 users who have logged in) and the number of page visits (number of page accesses) of guests who have not logged in.
I want to know more about how to release the footprint function
By pasting your POTOFU public page URL into the profile (either self-introduction or web) of the Twitter account set to the link list or activity It will be released automatically.
How can I invite someone I know to POTOFU
Please share the “Invite URL” on the “Unlock Function” page with your friends and tell them to register an account via this URL.
Are there any benefits to the person who is invited
When you register for POTOFU for the first time using an invitation, you can use the Activity tab with one active (unlocked) from the beginning.
How many invitation slots are there
Currently, there is no upper limit on the invitation limit, so it is possible to invite as many people as you like. Please note that the invitation frame and invitation release mechanism may change in the future.
What is OFUSE?
OFUSE is a paid fan letter service that allows you to send “thank you” feelings to creators for 2 yen per character. Creators can receive 91% of the amount (excluding tax) set in the fan letter. Please check the official website(https://ofuse.me) for details.
Can anyone monetize with OFUSE
Basically, anyone can use OFUSE. Please refer to OFUSE's Frequently Asked Questions (https://ofuse.me/help)for details.
Please tell me how to register for OFUSE
You can register from “OFUSE Creator Registration” within POTOFU. By creating an OFUSE account with the same account as POTOFU, it is possible to automatically link OFUSE to POTOFU.
I want to delete my account
It is possible from “Unsubscribe” in “Various Settings”.
POTOFU is actively accepting opinions and requests in order to improve our services. After logging in, please post to the “POTOFU Feedback Box” at the bottom right of the screen. In addition, we do not accept inquiries that require a reply in order to reduce operating costs when providing services free of charge. We may reply to you on the official Twitter, but please note that we cannot reply in principle.